Q: What can I do at this online document store?
A: You can purchase model document templates. A template needs to be adapted for the user’s specific circumstances and unique facts.
Q: How are these model documents different from other documents found online?
A: These documents have been prepared by an experienced business attorney. Yet, they are affordable and accessible for a fraction of the typical cost.
Q: How will I receive the document I purchased?
A: You will receive an email with a link for downloading the document. It may be in Word or PDF format, in line with the description on the document product page.
Q: Will I receive any additional guidance or legal advice?
A: No. Your purchase includes the specific model document you select to purchase. Your purchase does not create an attorney-client relationship. It does not include legal or other services. If you need guidance or legal advice for your specific situation, you should consult a licensed attorney in your jurisdiction.